Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Kiss Me I'm Irish

I am actually not Irish so I guess no kisses for me on St. Patrick's day.  But, the phrase "Kiss Me I'm Irish" happens to be a fashion statement on this holiday.  You will see girls wearing these shirts, even guys sometimes.

There are also the shirts for the people like me "the pretenders" that pretend to be Irish for the day.

 The phrase comes from the legend of the Blarney Stone that was set in the wall of the Blarney Castle Tower in Ireland.  Kissing the stone was believed to bring the kisser a gift.  A woman cast a spell on the stone to reward a king who had saved her.  When the king kissed the stone he was given the ability to speak sweetly and convincingly.  It was crazy what people used to do to kiss the stone.  Kissing the Blarney stone brings you good luck so if you can't kiss the stone the next best chance of getting good luck is "kissing an irish person."

Let's just take a minute to think about the number of lips that touched the stone over those 500 years...

It is interesting to see where this fashion trend originated from and to know that it isn't just something that a bunch of girls made up to get kissed.  It still is the main reason most people wear these shirts though.

If you really want to show you St. Patrick's Day spirit and dress in all green, then you should bring your shamrock pride downtown Chicago to the St. Patricks Day parade this Saturday March 14th.
Put together your craziest outfit because in Chicago there are no limits on how far people are willing to go when it comes to St.Patty's Day fashion.

I have made it a tradition since I've been in college to go with all of my friends.  It's not only a great time, but a lot of fun to dress a little crazy!

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